Wednesday, March 18, 2015

mv 3 re

Maria the Virgin Witch episode 03

This episode was alright. A lot of controversial crap that nobody was really waiting for. This episode actually reminded me why I choose to be an atheist. I cannot be like those sad priests or other “men of god” and still be able to live proudly.
[Ohys-Raws] Junketsu no Maria - 03 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_09.02_[2015.01.26_22.58.50]So “god” decided to recall Archangel Michael before he got the chance to kill Maria or to take away her powers. All of this because there were still humans around that would bear arms against the Archangel in order to protect Maria, which says a lot more about the divine than about Maria’s desire to fight against war. I mean, the Archangel claimed to interfere with Maria because she was interfering with life on earth, which was supposedly wrong. Maria, although she’s a witch, is still part of the world and has every right to interfere. It can be said that Archangel Michael is just one big hypocrite.
[Ohys-Raws] Junketsu no Maria - 03 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_17.53_[2015.01.26_22.58.59]Nevertheless, Maria has been told about how she would lose all of her powers if she was caught meddling again or if she lost her virginity. It is sad that a lot of characters knew about that before Maria. The question is; would she give up all of her power just so she can lose her virginity? Sex is great and all, but I sure as hell wouldn’t bother if I had that kind of power. There are plenty of interestingly great toys out there.
I really am curious about how she will deal with this newfound information. She does not strike me as the type of character that would go on a rampage. Nor do I see her join the church any time soon. I am kind of hoping that she will try to find a way to get even stronger so she can fight off those that mean to harm her (like that angel).

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